Level 0
Level 0 is a Snake II clone written in Haskell, using the SDL libraries.
- it works
- it’s fast
- readable code (it’s readable to me!)
- map loading
- map editing
- map saving
- scoreboard
- GHC (tested with 7.0.3 and 7.4.1)
- SDL from Hackage
- SDL-ttf from Hackage
- a font (by default tries to get /usr/share/fonts/TTF/TerminusBold.ttf)
Installation / usage
$ make
$ bin/level_0 [ms between frames [path to map file]]
$ bin/level_0 16 map
I don’t know if it’s buildable on Windows.
A map is a plain text file, the first 32 characters on the first 32 lines are read, and when there is an ‘x’, you will have a wall that kills your snake when hit.